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NO. 01


I want to know you. You and your boo. You and your company. You and your dog (anyone?). My process looks inward. I want to understand your unique quirks, values, and interests. Who asked who out first? What makes your heart beat faster? What do you listen to in the car together? What is the one thing that you’re looking forward to most on that day? Together we’ll create images that you’ll look back on and actually feel an emotional connection to that memory, not just recall it. 

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NO. 02


Being a photographer goes so much deeper to me than just capturing images. As a creator, I want people to recognize and celebrate their inimitable value. I do this by striving to not settle creatively. I resist traditional ideas, and seek to uncover the beauty that’s already there, and bring it to life in a tangible way. 

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NO. 03


Whether you’re launching a new product or saying “yes” to forever with someone, let’s freakin' celebrate! Being in front of the camera can be very nerve-racking. I mean really, who the heck knows what to do when a camera is all of a sudden in your face? “Help! What do I do with my hands?” or “Is there something in my teeth?” I’ll direct you in order to alleviate the pressure of focusing on the technical stuff. I want to create an environment for us to have fun with each other, allowing you and your boo to actually enjoy the process. To be more wrapped up in the idea of “Wow, I can’t believe this is the person I get to marry!” And maybe even learn something new about one another.

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